Blink Devlog #7 Tuesday August 20


Welcome again to the development Blink, in the live session today I learned we would be doing some playtesting tomorrow so I decided to create a ‘tutorial’ to display some of the key features in my game at the moment. The tutorial showed off the ability and the orbs however when I got to the enemy I had a slight issue - you couldn’t attack them back so you could only run away and try to survive so I added some quick attack logic comprised of LMB which did a light attack dealing 10 dmg and a RMB attack that did 20 but used 10 mana and had a slower attack speed and I think my favourite part was the way I did the animations since the character I was using had 4 attacks but I only needed 2 animations so I made it randomize 1 of 2 attacks for each type of attack.

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