Blink Devlog #9 Thursday August 22


Today had some big changes, first I disliked the animations that came with the character I was using and I was in luck because I found the Paragon assets, if you are unaware they are free on the marketplace and they come with plenty of animations and really interesting characters. Anyway, I found Kwang which I thought fit the theme pretty well so I switched the character mesh. Next, I was getting tired of the same old UI and HUD since it was pretty bad, so I loaded up Piskel and created some pixel art designs and using some inspiration from God of War, created a cleaner HUD and UI. While I added this I noticed it was quite difficult to gain back health so I added a long cooldown ability that uses 50 mana and restores 25 health for tough situations.

Huge thanks to Prinbles for some of the icon designs.

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