A downloadable game

Install instructions

  1. Download .zip file
  2. Place in a folder on you desktop
  3. Right click > Extract Here
  4. Double click on Everhunt.exe



In Everhunt, a skilled hunter discovers a hidden world filled with mythical creatures. However, their newfound sanctuary is under threat, as a ruthless band of poachers is systematically hunting the creatures into extinction. Armed with your wits, cunning, and an array of tools, it's up to you to dismantle the poaching operation and protect these majestic beasts before it's too late. Can you navigate the perils of the wild and preserve the balance of this magical land, or will these creatures fade into legend?


Action-Adventure / Survival:

Players must balance combat and stealth mechanics as they face off against poachers and other dangers. The game focuses on tactical decisions, resource management, and exploration of wild environments.


Nature vs. Exploitation / Conservation / Mystical Adventure:

The game’s core theme revolves around protecting nature from those who seek to exploit it. The player must act as a guardian of the wilderness, battling not only the poachers but also dealing with the delicate balance of ecosystems. There’s an undercurrent of mysticism as the creatures themselves are more than ordinary beasts—perhaps they have powers or connections to the natural forces of the world.

Target Audience/Platforms

Age Group: 16-35

Fans of action-adventure games, particularly those who enjoy games that combine combat, stealth, and exploration. The game’s focus on conservation may appeal to players who are environmentally conscious or drawn to stories about nature.


Players who enjoy games with moral or ethical choices, action-stealth hybrids, as well as immersive narratives about wildlife and survival. Fans of nature documentaries and environmental activism may also be interested.


PC, Mac, and Controller (PlayStation only). A focus on single-player, narrative-driven gameplay works well across these platforms, with an emphasis on graphical fidelity to showcase the wild environments and creature designs.


Personal Goal:

My main goal for Everhunt is to experiment with creating a game that is entirely for my enjoyment, forcing me to dedicate my free time to making consistent progress. This project will allow me creative freedom to explore various mechanics, stories, and systems that I find interesting without external pressure.

Development Focus:

I want to experiment with stealth and hunting mechanics but with a twist—players will focus on protecting and preserving creatures, rather than hunting them. I’m also interested in exploring environmental storytelling, using the world and the creatures within it to tell a deeper narrative about conservation and destruction.

Narrative Intro

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